Sign Language Data Analysis

Data collecting, preprocessing, custom annotations.

Deep learning depends strongly on data. It is the crucial aspect of the training of any model. Let’s be clear - without (preferably high quality) data there is no point in doing machine learning (ML).

Our task - Sign Language (SL) Processing - requires the use of videos.

Most of the SL datasets are at most a couple of hours long (summing up the duration of all videos). Unfortunately while working on (kind of) Natural Language Processing tasks we need hundreds of hours of the recordings to make our training efficient. Therefore, the first difficulty in our project was to find and download various kinds of SL datasets. We searched for any types of datasets, with and without HamNoSys annotation. During our work we made a list of found datasets with their characteristics, which are listed here.

Data collection process

I found the dataset on the internet - what’s next?

Unfortunately, not every dataset is ready to download with one click. Firstly, check the license under which the data is uploaded. Most organizations share their work only for research purposes.

Many websites are dictionaries. Every word occurs just once, sometimes there is additional information e.g. list of synonyms or example of use.

Our research is language independent (more on our approach and pipeline here) - which means that we can use datasets of various Sign Languages - but as you can see in the bellow plot - most of the available datasets contain American (ASL), German (DGS), Greek (GSL) and Polish (PJM) Sign Language.

LanguageTimeNum of videos

Data characteristics

Found databases are pretty different, which is reflected not only in the operated SL, but also different video sizes, backgrounds, and even number of signers. Diversity of the datasets prevents overfitting but sometimes makes training difficult.

In this particular case, we tried to extract samples consisting of 3 views (front, side, up). Many databases contain videos extracted from YouTube, with subtitles or logos.These videos need special care to make them useful. This problem appeared in data scrapped from Dicta Sign.

Another problem is the quality of videos and their length. There are signs that can be performed in fractions of seconds, but also mistakes are made and whole sentences are flashed instead of separate glosses. In some cases we have faced the problem of unavailable/non-existing or unreadable files.


To have a clear perspective of what the data is despite actually watching these videos (which was a huge part and cannot be underestimated) we made statistics regarding datasets currently used for our research. Explanation of the names of datasets and their source:

  • korpus (PJM) - data scrapped from open dictionary for Polish Sign Language - PJM
  • basic lexicon /Language - data scrapped from Basic Lexicon part of Dicta Sign project - Dicta Sign
korpus (PJM)basic lexicon /BSLbasic lexicon /DGSbasic lexicon /GSLbasic lexicon /LSF
Min num of frames44,001,0029,0036,0017,00
Max num of frames187,002730,0082,00138,00139,00
Avg num of frames110,00195,0042,0078,0053,00
Min duration in seconds1,830,101,161,441,13
Max duration in seconds7,79109,203,285,525,56
Avg duration in seconds4,597,621,683,122,66
Min fps24,0010,0025,0025,0014,90
Max fps24,0050,0025,0025,0025,48
Avg fps24,0025,1825,0025,0019,16
Min frame height1280,00320,00320,00320,00320,00
Max frame height1280,00481,00320,00320,00320,00
Avg frame height1280,00320,16320,00320,00320,00
Min frame width720,00240,00180,00240,00240,00
Max frame width20,00361,00180,00240,00240,00
Avg frame width720,00240,12180,00240,00240,00
Num of nonreadeable files3,000,000,000,000,00


We can divide sign language into two levels - isolated and continuous. Video with isolated type of language contains recording of one word (gloss). Continuous means that we have the whole sentence or even broader story recorded.

Moving on to annotations, SL datasets are annotated in many different ways but the most popular ones are:

  • gloss annotations
  • HamNoSys
  • SignWriting

Our project aims to translate SL into HamNoSys notation so we chose isolated sign language as it is common for the datasets to have HamNoSys annotations for glosses only.

HamNoSys (The Hamburg Notation System) has already been described in or previous posts, we encourage you to read about it here and here .

For our research we went for datasets with HamNoSys and gloss annotations.

Data preprocessing

While working with data from many sources you need to be careful and consistent in making them unified.

The process we came up with contains few steps:

  • Preparing custom annotation file for every dataset
  • Excluding unreadable files
  • Changing video formats and editing
  • Making statistics
  • Generating pose landmarks
  • Cutting video into frames

In our approach we create a separate annotation file and dictionary for each dataset. In the dictionary, a number is assigned to every gloss as numbers are expected by the model input. Annotation file is a .txt file. For each video in dataset it has 6 columns:

  • Video file name
  • Number of the starting frame
  • Number of the ending frame
  • Nr of gloss in the dictionary
  • Gloss annotation
  • HamNoSys annotation (if known)
  • Other values (synonyms, regions of usage etc)

To sum up:

  1. Most of the available datasets contain American (ASL), German (DGS), Greek (GSL) and Polish (PJM) Sign Language.
  2. Video datasets are diverse in terms of number of signers, size of files, backgrounds.
  3. We divide SL into two levels - isolated and continuous.
  4. Commonly used annotations in SL databases are gloss and HamNoSys.
Natalia Czerep
Natalia Czerep
Junior ML Engineer

Currently IT Analyst Intern at UBS working in a field of Cybersecurity, third year CS student at UWr. Former R&D intern in Computer Vision team @ Neurosys. Passionate about data analysis and ML.
